Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Greener tomorrow

Goin Green from today....
Greetings!People of the green planet!well ,I am this guy who wants to go green.While i was surfing about this on the net ,i found that 'Going green' meant not just planting trees and taking care of them in order to create a teeny..tiny carbon sink. Have you tried re purposing(a term i came across very recently while searching the net).These are some ways you could be more environ friendly..

a.Reuse paper that has been used on only one side. Turn the paper over and print on the back side for rough drafts or use as memo pads or for grocery lists, etc.

b.Wash plastic storage bags with hot soapy water and use them again. This is one of the biggest areas of waste which could easily be re purposed. (that's a new one!)

c. Use empty glass jars as containers in the garage, workshop, or in your workplace.

d. Use gift bags again and cut down gift cards to use as gift tags.

e. Cut old worn clothing into dust rags for dusting, cleaning or washing.

All that seems quite simple to me.So all those paper and glass jar wasting smart asses you better watch out .